Tafedna beach

Tafedna beach the solitary spot in the middle of Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean..

Tafedna is a small village in the middle of Moroccco, Exactly near Essaouira in the region of Marrakech.

The origins of the village are that the people used to use this place as a port for boats to fish, the main job for the locals is fishing. After many years the fishermans settled down in this spot and built houses. Now. only a few people live there and most are fishermen.


To reach this spot; after arriving at the airport of Marrakech you head to the west by taxi and after about 4 hours (239 km) you are there.


On the way you will pass by many villages but once you are there you are between the few locals, you have the beach with the sands like the Sahara desert and the Atlantic sea and the fish, really a nice spot to relax and have some calm.
