Legzira beach

Legzira or Lagzira beach 

many names but one place 


The spot is called by local people years ago by lagzira which means the small island, cause of the small rock in this beach water. this rock is used by fishers as a spot for fishing.

This beach is located in Morocco, in the middle west of the Atlantic Ocean. 180 km from the airport of the famous city Agadir in the north and in the south it's 10 km from the nearest city Sidi Ifni another beautiful small city. When you get here you can stay in hotels or apartments or even camping if you have a car or a tent.


The reason who making this beach special is not the cause of the name that we talked about before, but the cause of the many archways located in this area. we find about 4 archways at a distance of 4 km on this beach. theses archways made by nature in the rocks of the beach many centuries ago made this beach one of the most 10 beautiful beaches in the world.

The beach is known by tourists, photographers, and filmmakers in the world. many short films and publicity are photographed here. like the publicity of the mark car JEEP made by JUVENTUS players football.

In 2016 one of the archways suddenly collapsed down and surrendered to the time action lifted 3 other archways.

Here you will find the ability and another beauty of nature, you can find here also beautiful hotels to stay in and relax. and enjoy the famous meals of the Moroccan kitchen and amazing views. 

You can also have a ride in the parachute and have a view from the sky to this beautiful beach.

Also if you love fishing you can find local fishers to share with them. if you are a surfer you will find beautiful waves to ride and many other spots to surf in around.

Words will not describe the beauty and the amazing view here, I hope everyone can visit one day and discover this place by themselves and enjoy it.

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